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Date d'inscription : 12/08/2024

thekingsway Empty thekingsway

Lun 12 Aoû 2024 - 13:15
Annual accounts

Annual accounts are a snapshot of your business’s finances at the end of the accounting period and must be submitted to Companies House and HMRC by all trading entities. Our accounts preparation service integrates with other accounting, tax and business advisory support to provide you with a holistic view of your business.

Why do I need an accountant?

Staying on top of your accounts can be a complex and time consuming process, with the added challenges of ever changing government legislation. Outsourcing your accounts work provides reassurance that your accounts are accurate and are filed on time, allowing you to focus your energies on running your business.

Do I need full or abbreviated annual accounts?

All trading companies have to file annual accountants in Beckton at Companies House (where they become a public record) and submit them to HMRC. Whether you are required to submit full or abbreviated accounts will depend on the size of your company.

Small limited companies are able to submit abbreviated accounts and are classified by those that satisfy two or more of the below criteria
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